The Fundamentals #2: How to use ISAs for Inheritance Tax (IHT) planning?

How can an ISA be used to reduce Inheritance Tax?

In the second of our new series about going back to the basics of investing in AIM shares for IHT planning purposes, we look at: How to use an AIM ISA to reduce Inheritance Tax.

Are ISAs Inheritance Tax free?

ISAs per se are not Inheritance Tax free, but they can become so by using a service such as the Fundamental Asset Management AIM IHT ISA Portfolio Service.

What is an AIM ISA or AIM IHT ISA portfolio?

An AIM ISA portfolio or AIM IHT ISA portfolio, as the name suggests, is a portfolio of AIM shares, listed on AIM, the junior market of the London Stock Exchange. AIM shares which meet the Business Property Relief rules should benefit from IHT relief and can be held in an ISA. We explain more about Business Property Relief here.

How does it work?

Fundamental Asset Management purchases and manages a portfolio of eligible AIM ISA shares on a client’s behalf – we are experts in assessing Business Property relief eligibility. The portfolio of shares, including capital growth, can be passed on free of IHT after two years, provided the shares are still held on death and still eligible for relief.

Do all AIM shares benefit from IHT relief?

No. At the end of 2021 there were 852 companies on AIM. We estimate that approximately 600 qualify for Inheritance Tax relief and, of those, approximately 300 meet our investing criteria.

When is the ISA deadline for 2021/22?

The ISA deadline for 2021/22 is April 5th, the tax year end. However, the latest date for receipt of ISA applications is 31st March. Please contact us if you would like to discuss opening an AIM IHT ISA.

Can an ISA from a previous year become an AIM IHT ISA?

Yes. You can transfer existing ISAs to Fundamental Asset Management:

  • Protecting your ISA wrapper benefits
  • Gaining Inheritance Tax relief after 2 years
  • Taking advantage of the potential growth AIM offers

For more information see our website page AIM ISA Explained

Is now a good time to invest?

As is normally the case when stock markets face uncertainty, the share prices of smaller companies, and particularly those on AIM, have sold off significantly in the first quarter of 2022.

We believe in focusing on the fundamentals of a company, and recent results and updates from many AIM companies we follow have been extremely positive. The recent sell-off therefore presents an excellent opportunity to consider investing in a host of exciting, growing AIM companies, at far more modest valuations than a few months ago.

  • See our previous blogs for more information. AIM market sell-off – what we are doing.
  • Listen here to a podcast featuring Chris Boxall, Co-founder of Fundamental Asset Management discusses the latest market sell-off and considers what investors should be doing.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Business Development Manager Jonathan Bramall via email [email protected] or phone 01923 713 894

Fundamental Asset Management



Download our How to beat Inheritance Tax with AIM shares

This FREE report explains how investing in good quality AIM companies can help you avoid Inheritance Tax and potentially substantially increase your wealth. Download the report.