The Fundamentals #3 – The perils of exit fees & support for a client’s estate

How much will it cost you and yours?

In the third of our series – The Fundamentals – about going back to the basics of investing in AIM shares for Inheritance Tax (IHT) planning purposes, we look at: the perils of exit fees & support for a client’s estate.

Perils of exit fees

When someone decides to invest, one of the last things they think about is; ‘what are the exit fees if I need to withdraw my money’?

Unlike some of our peers, we don’t charge exit fees. We want people to be with us for the long-term in order to gain from the potential opportunities of our AIM portfolio service, but if someone needs to take their money, we do not think they should be charged for the “privilege”.

Feeling withdrawn?

You can take your money out of your portfolio whenever you need to by contacting us – this is true for AIM IHT portfolios and AIM IHT ISAs. We run flexible ISAs which means you can disinvest and reinvest funds within the same ISA tax year. Money withdrawn may lose tax benefits and could form part of your taxable estate at death. We do not apply a minimum withdrawal amount.

Costs to clients’ estates

In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes” Benjamin Franklin famously wrote in 1789. Whilst our AIM IHT portfolio service is designed to try to disprove the second part of the saying by saving on the Inheritance Tax a client’s estate must pay; we all know that death will eventually catch us all. When death does come, we support the Executors of the estate. At a difficult time, we provide the information HMRC requires at no additional charge. Again, sadly, not all AIM asset managers provide this support.  For more information about reducing Inheritance Tax by using Business Property Relief click here.

The Fundamentals Series

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Business Development Manager Jonathan Bramall via email [email protected] or phone 01923 713 894

Fundamental Asset Management



Download our How to beat Inheritance Tax with AIM shares

This FREE report explains how investing in good quality AIM companies can help you avoid Inheritance Tax and potentially substantially increase your wealth. Download the report.