The Fundamentals #4 – What is the Fundamental AIM Inheritance Tax Portfolio?

How can you use it to invest get IHT relief?

In the fourth of our series – The Fundamentals – about going back to the basics of investing in AIM shares for Inheritance Tax (IHT) planning purposes, we look at: the Fundamental AIM Inheritance Tax ISA Portfolio.

Inheritance Tax planning is not only for those with high net worth. It is a tax which is paid in record numbers (HMRC figures released March 2022) by thousands of people in the UK every year. But it is avoidable with a good Inheritance Tax plan. That is why we would recommend you speak to a financial adviser before making any investment decisions.

The Fundamental AIM Inheritance Tax Portfolio has the objective of obtaining 100% relief from Inheritance Tax, as well as the potential for capital appreciation, by investing into qualifying AIM quoted companies. The Fundamental AIM Inheritance Tax Portfolio is an effective, proven and non-contentious tax planning method which avoids the costs, administration and loss of control associated with forming a trust or gifting.

Growth potential

Holding a Fundamental AIM Inheritance Tax Portfolio means you will benefit from the growth opportunity AIM presents as one of the most successful growth markets in the world.

Inheritance Tax mitigation

A Fundamental AIM Inheritance Tax portfolio achieves 100% mitigation from Inheritance Tax after only two years. Not seven years as is the case through a gifting or trust approach.

Retain access to your assets

Holders of the portfolio retain assets in their own name, which means you will not lose control of your assets and have the freedom to redeem some, or all, of your holdings at any time.

ISA benefits

A Fundamental AIM Inheritance Tax Portfolio can be wrapped in an ISA which means you benefit further from no Income or Capital Gains Tax on growth. An ISA can also be left to a surviving spouse in its entirety tax-free through Additional Permitted Subscription. We explain more about the AIM ISA here.

How do I transfer my existing ISA to Fundamental?

If you are looking to transfer your existing ISA to a Fundamental AIM ISA then all you have to do is complete our application and transfer forms and email them to: [email protected], alternatively please call 01923 713 894 .

Please note, if you withdraw your investments from your ISA instead of transferring them, you will lose your ISA benefits and we will not be able to include them into a new Fundamental AIM ISA if that sum is higher than your current year allowance. Transfers can be made in stock and/or funds (with some exceptions) and cash. To retain previous years ISA allowance, please complete our ISA transfer form. Generally, the ISA transfer process can take anything up to six weeks for transfer proceeds to be received by Fundamental from your previous provider.

Looking for a quote?

Email details to us at [email protected] and we will be happy to pull together a personalised illustration for you.

The Fundamentals Series

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Business Development Manager Jonathan Bramall via email [email protected] or phone 01923 713 894

Our Educational Webinars also provide plenty of further information.

Fundamental Asset Management



Download our How to beat Inheritance Tax with AIM shares

This FREE report explains how investing in good quality AIM companies can help you avoid Inheritance Tax and potentially substantially increase your wealth. Download the report.