Will your money help HMRC break another record?

Will your money help HMRC break another record?

HMRC’s latest figures released today show that Inheritance Tax (IHT) receipts for April 2022 to July 2022 are £2.4 billion; £0.3 billion higher than in the same period a year earlier.

Will your family have to pay IHT to HMRC after you have passed on? If this is something you wish to help your loved ones avoid, investing in qualifying AIM stocks could be for you.

If a client invests in certain AIM shares that qualify for Business Relief for 2 years and provided they are still held at death, the estate will not pay Inheritance Tax on them – a saving of 40%. Fundamental Asset Management’s AIM Inheritance Tax portfolio can help you plan for your family’s future.

Inheritance Tax mitigation

A Fundamental AIM Inheritance Tax portfolio achieves 100% mitigation from Inheritance Tax after only two years. Not seven years as is the case through a gifting or trust approach.

Existing ISAs can also be transferred to Fundamental providing greater potential savings for your loved ones.

This video presentation here provides a brief introduction to the Fundamental AIM IHT portfolio service, while our webinar here reviews the second quarter of the year and discusses our ESG and PRI developments.

To find out more about the benefits of investing in AIM for Inheritance Tax planning purposes, where sustainability is also a key consideration, please speak to our Business Development Manager Jonathan Bramall via email [email protected]  or phone 01923 713 894.

Fundamental Asset Management



Download our How to beat Inheritance Tax with AIM shares

This FREE report explains how investing in good quality AIM companies can help you avoid Inheritance Tax and potentially substantially increase your wealth. Download the report.