Direct equity investment into a concentrated portfolio of 25 of the world’s largest, high-quality companies. Please read Fundamental Global Growth Portfolio Explained by clicking here.
At Fundamental Asset Management we create bespoke Portfolios. What is the difference between a Portfolio vs a Fund?
Investing in some of the world’s largest high-quality companies.
Our high-net-worth investors receive a tailor-made, bespoke investment portfolio with a minimum investment of £100,000. However, we recommend an investment of £250,000+ for a direct equity portfolio of this nature.
Clients have full knowledge of all portfolio holdings and access to our regular commentaries and opinions and direct access to the fund manager. You can invest as an advised client or a non-advised client. If you have a Financial Adviser, please inform them you would like to invest/ explore the Fundamental Asset Global Growth Portfolio. If you want to invest as a non-advised client, you can fill out an illustration here.
You can invest as an advised client or a non-advised client. If you have a Financial Adviser, please inform them you would like to invest/ explore the Fundamental Global Growth Portfolio. If you want to invest as a non-advised client, you can contact us here. If you want to invest as a non-advised client, you can fill out an illustration here.
Please inform your adviser you would like to discuss investing with the Fundamental Global Growth Portfolio. If you have a general question about Fundamental or this service, please contact us.
Please inform your adviser you would like to discuss investing with the Fundamental Global Growth Portfolio. If you have a general question about Fundamental or this service, please contact us.
You can invest Direct with Fundamental Asset Management by filling out an illustration here.
Changes in economic or political conditions or other factors can substantially and potentially adversely affect the value of investments. Investors capital is at risk, and they may get back than they invested.
There are no exit fees with Fundamental Asset Management. Cash can be withdrawn from the portfolio at any time and we do not apply a minimum withdrawal amount.
THREE Things to Remember about Fundamental Asset Management’s AIM Portfolio service
You can use the contact us form at the bottom of this page.
Fill out an illustration here.
If you have received advice please ask your financial adviser if there’s anything you don’t understand.
You can also contact us directly at:
Fundamental Asset Management Ltd
Cardinal Point
Park Road
Telephone: 01923 713890
Email: [email protected]
Fundamental Asset Management Ltd (or the Platform provider) provides regular quarterly valuations for each client’s portfolio covering performance of the portfolio over the preceding quarter. Fundamental also issues a periodic newsletter expanding on the stories behind some of the holdings, thereby keeping its clients informed on a regular basis. Clients whose accounts are brokered with Fundamental’s online broker will also have internet access to their accounts at all times. You can also visit the document library here where you will find all the latest fact sheets and up to date information.
When dividends are paid by companies, these are added to the account. They tend to be used to cover fees and when rebalancing of a portfolio is done. Any remaining we would then look to reinvest at an appropriate time. IF you are interested in an income focused product with have the AIM IHT Income Portfolio and Fundamental UK Dividend Income Portfolio.