Section 172 statement

Section 172 statement – Director’s duty to promote the success of the Company

The Directors have a duty to promote the success of the Company for the benefit of Shareholders as a whole and to describe how they have performed this duty having regard to matters set out in the section 172 (1) of the Companies Act 2006.

  • The likely consequences of long-term decisions

The Company holds regular meetings. Shareholder representation is strong at all these meetings and the ongoing performance and future direction of the business is at the heart of discussions. Additionally, staff wellbeing and practical matters regarding the operational aspects of the business are considered and issues addressed.

  • The interests of the Company’s employees

The Company’s business relies completely relies on its staff, so the calibre of employees and their wellbeing is extremely important. A performance appraisal process is in place to encourage conversation and the raising of concerns, and to consider training and support requirements. Meetings of all staff take place weekly.

  • The need to foster good business relationships with suppliers, customers, and others

The Company puts a great deal of effort into communications with investors in, and interested parties to, its portfolios. Factsheets are prepared and issued monthly and regular communication events such as webinars, and videos are run.

Fundamental places great importance in its ongoing relationship with the brokers and platforms through whom it arranges trades and who custody client assets.

  • The desirability of the Company maintaining a reputation for high standards of business conduct

The Board is committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance in relation to business conduct. It monitors and expects good standards of companies in which its portfolios invest. Environmental, social, and governmental considerations are part of the investment management decision process. In support of this the Company is a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (‘PRI’), the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment.

  • The impact of the Company’s operations on the community and the environment

The Company understands the importance of being a good corporate citizen.

  • The need to act fairly between members of the Company

Members of the Company are encouraged to contribute ideas and thoughts as to a future strategy. The Board believes that consistent delivery of investor expectations in terms of returns and client servicing is the best way to grow funds under management and that new opportunities provide a platform for step change to the business, which benefits all and ensures the long terms success of the business.

Pillar III disclosures

In accordance with the Capital Requirement Directive, Pilar III disclosures in respect of risk, capital, and related management procedures are available from the company’s registered office request or on the company’s website.

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